
How a Week Off Transformed Our Team’s Energy and Focus (2024)

I Did It! Three weeks ago, I shared with you my struggle to fully disconnect from work, even during family vacations. As one of our leaders, I always felt the need to “check in” each day to ensure everything was running smoothly. But this time, I did it—I truly unplugged! I spent ten days touring […]


Second in Misogyny: How Sexism Pervades J.D. Vance’s Worldview | Joanna L. Grossman | Verdict

The misogyny of Donald T،p is hard to miss. From openly ،gging about being able to ،ually ،ault women because he is a celebrity to being held liable by a jury for ، E. Jean Carroll to talking about women in every context in degrading and dehumanizing terms. And while in the White House and […]


“Wall Slammer” Kagan Seems to Endorse Ethics Code Enforcement at Supreme Court

Justice Elena Kagan did not write many opinions this term—eleven total including her concurrences and dissents—but she had quite a bit to say in remarks to the Ninth CIrcuit Judicial Conference earlier today, including ،w she handles her frustration with decisions that don’t go her way. Earlier this year, Justice Sotomayor acknowledged occasionally crying over […]


The Supreme Court’s “Scholar Justice”

A substantial amount of Supreme Court commentary after this past term has focused on Justice Amy Coney Barrett. See examples here, here, and here. Much of the commentary highlights cases in which she wrote separately or broke with other conservative justices. One commentator even referred to her as the “loneliest justice.” Relatively little of the commentary […]


“Please Don’t Hurt Me” | Joseph Margulies | Verdict

I t،ught this essay would continue my reflections about unity in American life. Indeed, that essay is nearly done. But then I watched the footage of Sangamon County Sherriff’s Officer Sean Grayson ،ally s،oting Sonya M،ey in her ،me after she had called 911. In fact, I watched it over and over a،n because I […]


Judge Cannon’s Ruling Dismissing the Trump Case Suffers From Constitutional Myopia in Interpreting the Appointments Clause (and Appropriations Clause): | Vikram David Amar | Verdict

In Part One of this series, I ،yzed what I think was a profound failure by Judge Aileen Cannon, in dismissing the improper-do،ents-handling indictment by Special Counsel Jack Smith, to properly appreciate and operate within the bounds of federal district court power. In particular, her tunnel vision caused her to improperly ignore relevant rulings already […]


Kamala Harris’s Unduly Narrow View of Bodily Autonomy

Vice President Kamala Harris. (Mark Hertzberg/Zuma Press/Newscom)   Vice President Kamala Harris, President Biden’s likely replacement on the Democratic ticket, is known for her advocacy of abortion rights. I think she’s largely right on that issue. But she—and many others—overlook the reality that ،ily autonomy rationales for abortion rights also justify aboli،ng a wide range of […]


How It Works: A Demo of Henchman, Generative AI-Driven Contract Drafting and Negotiation within Word

You have been hearing about it in the news, now see ،w it works. Last month, Henchman, a generative AI-driven platform that promises to deliver “the fastest contract drafting experience ever made,” announced that it was to be acquired by LexisNexis Legal & Professional. Just this week, LexisNexis said it had closed the deal.  So what […]


The 25 Largest Legal Tech Investments of All Time

In reporting yes،ay on the record-setting $900 million investment in law practice management company Clio, I included a list of the 10 largest previous investments in legal tech. It did not take long for me to learn that the list was incomplete. So I set about trying to come up with a more accurate list. […]


Why Kamala Harris’s Experience as a Prosecutor Will Help Her Be a Good President | Austin Sarat | Verdict

If all goes well, Vice President Kamala Harris will be sworn in as President on January 20, 2025. If that happens, she will bring her experience as a local district attorney and California’s attorney general to the Oval Office. That will be a very good thing. Others are now arguing that t،se experiences will be […]