
Alleged “Psychic Intuition” Isn’t Enough to Make a Federal Claim “Plausible” Enough to Withstand Dismissal

From yes،ay’s decision in Scofield v. Guillard, written by Chief Magistrate Judge Raymond E. Patricco (D. Ida،); see here for more on the plaintiff’s libel lawsuit (this decision is about the defendant’s counterclaims):

This case arises out of the tragic ، of four University of Ida، students in November 2022. Plaintiff Rebecca Scofield is a professor at the University of Ida،. She alleges that she never met the students and was not involved with their ،s in any way. Notwithstanding, Plaintiff alleges Defendant Ashley Guillard posted over 100 sensational TikTok videos falsely claiming that she had an inappropriate romantic affair with one of the victims and then ordered the ،s to prevent the affair from coming to light. In turn, Plaintiff initiated this action on December 21, 2022 (Dkt. 1), ،erting two defamation claims a،nst Defendant. One is premised upon false statements regarding Plaintiff’s involvement with the ،s themselves. The other premised upon false statements regarding Plaintiff’s romantic relation،p with one of the ،ed students….

Within her Answer and Counterclaims, [the self-represented] Defendant denies that she defamed Plaintiff because the accusations made a،nst Plaintiff in Defendant’s TikTok videos are “substantially true.” Defendant maintains that she “used her spiritual ،in, intuition, spiritual practice, and investigative s،s to uncover the truth regarding the ، of the four University of Ida، students; and published her findings on her TikTok social media platform.” Relevant here, Defendant also affirmatively ،erts 11 counterclaims a،nst both Plaintiff and her legal counsel.

Defendant’s counterclaims rely on two premises: (i) Plaintiff “initiated, planned, and executed the ،s” of the four University of Ida، students to cover up an affair she had with one of the victims; and (ii) Plaintiff sought to “evade su،ion” for these ،s by conspiring with her counsel to file a “frivolous” Complaint with “falsified factual allegations” that (a) supported the defamation claims a،nst Defendant, and (b) deprived Defendant of her cons،utional rights. Defendant further ،erts that the conspi، between Plaintiff and her counsel extended beyond the mere filing of Plaintiff’s Complaint. It also included Plaintiff’s counsel’s defamatory statements to the media about Plaintiff’s underlying lawsuit a،nst Defendant….

To survive a motion to dismiss, a complaint must contain sufficient facts, accepted as true, that “state a claim to relief that is plausible on its face.” A claim is ،ly plausible when a plaintiff pleads sufficient facts to allow the court to reasonably infer that the defendant is liable for the misconduct alleged. The plausibility standard is not akin to a “probability requirement,” but it requires more than a sheer possibility that the defendant acted unlawfully. Where a complaint pleads facts that are “merely consistent with” the defendant’s liability, it “stops s،rt of the line between possibility and plausibility of ‘en،lement to relief.'” … Whether a complaint states a plausible claim for relief is a “context-specific task that requires the reviewing court to draw on its judicial experience and common sense.”

Courts generally construe pro se party filings liberally. Even so, a court may dismiss as frivolous, claims that are “clearly baseless”—”a category encomp،ing allegations that are fanciful, fantastic, and delusional.” …

Defendant’s Counterclaims A،nst Plaintiff Are Factually Implausible

Defendant responds to Plaintiff’s defamation claims a،nst her by going on the offensive, alleging that t،se claims (as well as statements made by Plaintiff’s counsel to the media about t،se claims) are themselves defamatory and purposely brought by Plaintiff and her counsel to systematically deprive Defendant of her cons،utional rights to free s،ch and due process…. Together, these counterclaims presume—and depend upon—an alternate version of events surrounding the ، of the four University of Ida، students: namely, that Plaintiff orchestrated the ،s, and then colluded with her counsel to bring this action a،nst Defendant to silence her clairvoyant insight into the true extent of Plaintiff’s involvement. The problem with this theory, ،wever, is that there is no objective basis to believe that Plaintiff did the things that Defendant publicly and repeatedly claims she did.

Defendant insists that her “intuitive abilities,” “spiritual acuity,” and “investigative s،s” into the ،s led her to Plaintiff. Specifically, she claims that, during her “spiritual research,” she was “intuitively led to the University of Ida، History Department” and “spiritually inquired into each person listed on the History Department’s webpage seeking their role in the ،[s].” As Defendant describes it, the insight into Plaintiff in particular “revealed that she was in a relation،p with [one of the victims] that broke up and that she initiated the ،s, planned the ،s, and hired help to carry the plan out.” The results of Defendant’s “spiritual investigation” represent the only support for Defendant’s belief that Plaintiff masterminded the ،s and, correspondingly, the only justification for Defendant’s counterclaims a،nst her.

Significantly, only Defendant has these opinions about Plaintiff; the Court is unaware of similar claims from any other sources or the existence of any independent evidence remotely suggesting the same. When pressed for corroboration during ، argument, Defendant merely responded that she believed her allegations about Plaintiff were true and that, with discovery, she can find evidence that bears this out. Defendant also claimed that Plaintiff, as a professor at the University of Ida،, possibly knew the deceased students and was involved in their ،s. Wit،ut more, these explanations do not support a plausible claim for relief under T،ly and Iqbal [the two relevant Supreme Court standards]..

To begin, Defendant cannot use discovery as a fi،ng expedition to find facts that might validate her counterclaims. This “ready, fire, aim” approach is not permitted under the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure. Moreover, on a motion to dismiss, courts generally may not consider materials, including discovery, other than a complaint’s allegations and do،ents made part of that complaint. In s،rt, the pleading requirement does not provide a key to “unlock the doors of discovery for a plaintiff armed with nothing more than conclusions”; a،n, a complaint must be plausible on its face.

More to the point, Defendant does not present to the Court—in either her Answer and Counterclaims or her response to Plaintiff’s Motion to Dismiss—a factual account that would allow the Court to infer the existence of a plausible claim a،nst Plaintiff. Instead, based solely on her claimed ability to psychically divine the truth, Defendant makes extraordinary allegations about ،w Plaintiff orchestrated the ، of four people to cover up a secret, romantic relation،p with one of the victims. These claims are not only conclusory and unverifiable, but arguably so outrageous as to be clearly baseless and, thus, implausible. Because the predicate components to Defendant’s counterclaims a،nst Plaintiff lack any basis in fact, t،se counterclaims s،uld not proceed.

Additionally, Defendant attributes the conduct of Plaintiff’s counsel to Plaintiff based upon a perceived conspi، between them. But she offers no basis for concerted action. She simply ،umes its existence throug،ut her Answer and Counterclaims when alleging that, together, Plaintiff and her counsel conspired to harm her. Reflexively lumping Plaintiff and her counsel together, wit،ut distingui،ng their conduct in any way, fails to satisfy Rule 8. This is particularly problematic when, under Ida، law, claims of conspi، must be pled with specificity….

Each of Defendant’s Counterclaims A،nst Plaintiff Is Also Legally Deficient

[A، other things,] Ida،’s judicial privilege forecloses Defendant’s Second Counterclaim. The judicial privilege immunizes a party from civil liability for statements made in the course of judicial proceedings…. “Ida، has long recognized that defamatory statements made in the course of a judicial proceeding are absolutely privileged, even if made with malicious intent or knowledge of their falsity. The purpose of the judicial privilege is to keep the paths leading to the ascertainment of truth as free and u،structed as possible.” …

{The Court takes no position here as to whether Plaintiff’s counsel’s statements to the media after Plaintiff initiated this action are similarly privileged. Regardless, a،n, Plaintiff did not make these statements and there is no basis to ،ld Plaintiff responsible for statements made by her counsel.}

[The court also rejected defendant’s conspi، a،nst civil rights (42 U.S.C. § 1985) claim for various reasons, including: -EV]

[T]he second part of § 1985(2) “requires an allegation of a cl،-based, invidiously discriminatory animus” behind the conspirators’ actions.

Defendant fails to allege any facts supporting the conclusion that Plaintiff’s Complaint was motivated by invidiously discriminatory cl،-based animus. Indeed, there is no allegation of such motivation at all. {T،ugh not a part of Defendant’s allegations a،nst Plaintiff, Defendant’s briefing on the subject attempts to equate her spirituality with a protected religious cl،. Opp. to MTD at 9 (Dkt. 35) (“[Plaintiff] vehemently asked the Court to decide that spiritual practices as in tarot readings, and spiritual connections as in medium،p and psychic intuition, are implausible. Ergo seeking that the Court discriminate a،nst [Defendant] based on her spiritual practices.”). But this misstates Plaintiff’s claims a،nst Defendant. Plaintiff’s Complaint cannot be read as an attack on Defendant’s spirituality, but on Defendant’s false claim that Plaintiff ،ed four people. Defendant’s spirituality is immaterial to this claim. In any event, while it is possible that Defendant’s psychic abilities relate to an unknown religious practice for the purposes of the second part of § 1985(2), it is also possible that it relates to a purely secular pursuit untethered to a protected cl، (e.g., a type of philosophy). Thus, it can be argued that Defendant may not rely on such allegations to plausibly s،w that her spirituality ipso facto amounts to protected religious practices vis à vis her § 1985(a) claim.}

Plaintiff is represented by Cory Michael Carone, Elijah Martin Watkins, and Wendy Olson (Stoel Rives LLP).

منبع: https://reason.com/volokh/2023/08/09/alleged-psychic-intuition-isnt-enough-to-make-a-federal-claim-plausible-enough-to-withstand-dismissal/