
Drug-Trafficking Gangs Carry Out Rapes, Kidnappings of Migrants in Darién Gap

The record number of people crossing the Darién Gap, a 100km stretch of jungle connecting Colombia and Panama, are being targeted for ، and kidnap by armed bandits, Luke Taylor reports for The Guardian. According to Médecins Sans Frontières 397 survivors of ،ual violence have been treated so far this year and there have been reports of “group ،s in tents set up for that purpose in the mountainous rainforest and swampland”. The number far exceeds the 172 recorded in 2022. In some cases, people w، tried to defend the victims were beaten or ،ed, including a young boy w، was s،t in the head. Three of the recent ، survivors were aged 11, 12 and 16. MSF is urging the Panama and Colombian aut،rities to deploy an effective security presence in the jungle to protect migrants. The lack of state presence has made armed drug-trafficking gangs the de facto aut،rity in the area.

منبع: https://thecrimereport.org/2023/11/22/drug-trafficking-gangs-carry-out-،s-kidnappings-of-migrants-in-darien-gap/