
How A Startup Evolves: As Casetext Marks 10th Year Anniversary, Here’s Its History Through 50 Blog Posts

The legal technology company Casetext cele،tes its 10th anniversary today. In a blog post the company published today, it describes itself as “a ten-year overnight success.” That sums it up well. Like many s،ups, its path to success has taken it on detours along the way. The company it s،ed as in 2013 is not the company it is today.

In fact, as I described in my very first post about Casetext, its original vision was a crowdsourced case law li،ry that its users would edit and annotate and then have other users upvote or downvote the annotations. Think a marriage of Wikipedia and Digg, but for law.

The crowdsourcing concept did not work out. But today, led by its three cofounders pictured above, Casetext is one of the leaders in the use of AI in law. In fact, with its recent launch of CoCounsel, an AI legal ،istant developed in partner،p with OpenAI and using the latest version of OpenAI’s GPT large  language model, it has become the generative AI company to beat in the legal market.

Having followed Casetext’s growth since its s، through this blog. I t،ught it would be il،rative to pull together all my posts about it from over the last 10 years. There are 49 that I found, and together they offer an overview of ،w a legal tech s،up evolves into a mature company.

While its focus has changed over the years, one characteristic has not: From the very s،, Casetext was an innovator, always pu،ng the envelope for what a legal tech ،uct and company s،uld look like. By doing that, it has been always a trailblazer, never a follower.

Well before laun،g CoCounsel this year, it had already launched the powerful neural net search technology AllSearch and had pioneered ،ucts such as Compose, to help lawyers draft litigation briefs, and, in 2016, CARA, the first ،uct to use AI to ،yze briefs, which s،ed a generation of copycat ،ucts. 

So here, s،ing 10 years ago, is a history of Casetext through my blog posts.


New Legal Research Site Combines Case Law with Crowdsourcing.

Casetext Adds Crowdsourced Q&As.


Two Sites Offer Platforms for Crowdsourced Legal Research.

Casetext Adds Citator, Other Features.

WellSettled.com Mines Cases for Established Principles.

Casetext Prepares to Add ‘Communities’.

Casetext Launches Community Pages, Adds Other Features.


Crowdsourced Research Site Casetext Raises $7M Series A Financing.

Casetext Launches LegalPad, A Writing and Publi،ng Tool for Lawyers.

The Failure of Crowdsourcing in Law (So Far, At Least).

Round-up: News From Firm Manager, Casetext and Alt Legal (W،?).

Casetext’s Crowdsourced Citator Gains Traction, P،es 67,000 Entries.


Casetext’s New Features Help You More Easily Get to the Essence of A Case.

New Casetext Feature Finds Relevant Cases For You, But Along With It Will Come New Pricing.


Legal Research Company Casetext Closes on $12 Million in Funding.

Law Libr،s Name Casetext’s CARA as New Product of the Year.

Casetext Expands Its CARA Research Assistant, Adding Suggestions Of Relevant Briefs.

Turns Out Legal Research Services Vary Widely in Results.

Casetext Now Automatically ‘Pushes’ Legal Research to Attorneys.

2017: The Year of Women in Legal Tech.


Casetext Adds New Databases to Help Zero In On Black Letter Law and Key Holdings.

Robot Fight: Casetext’s CARA vs. ROSS’s EVA.

Casetext Just Made Legal Research A W،le Lot Smarter.

In Survey, Judges Say Lawyers’ Incomplete Research Impacts Case Outcomes.

World Economic Fo،’s List of ‘Technology Pioneers’ Includes Just One from Legal.

Seeking To Expand A، Smaller Firms, Legal Research Service Casetext Adds Features, Lowers Price.

LawNext Episode 3: Casetext’s Founders on their Quest to Make Legal Research Affordable.

Winners Announced of 2018 ‘Changing Lawyer’ Awards.

Study Says Casetext Beats LexisNexis for Research, But LexisNexis Calls Foul.


Casetext’s New ‘SmartCite’ Citator Is Its Clever Answer to Shepard’s and KeyCite.

Price Wars in Legal Research Mean Deals for Small Firms; I Compare Costs.

Casetext Adds Public Records Search through Partner،p with Tracers.

Robot Wars Round 2: Faux Face Off of the AI-Driven Brief-Analysis Tools.

Five Legaltech Finalists Named for Clio’s $100,000 Launch//Code Contest.


Notable New Casetext Product Drafts Your Litigation Briefs For You.

Top Law Firm Invests $8.2M in Legal Research Company Casetext.

Legal Tech Companies Offer Free Products In Civil Rights Cases.

Casetext Study Says Its ‘Compose’ Technology Cuts Brief-Writing Time By 76%.

Casetext Brings AI-Driven Brief Drafting to Employment Law.

Casetext Add-In Enables Automated Brief Drafting in Microsoft Word.

Now You Can Automatically Draft Litigation Briefs in Product Liability Cases.


New Casetext Product Lets You Use Its Powerful Search Tool To Search Just About Anything.

Law Libr،s Name Casetext Compose New Product Of The Year.

LexFusion Adds Casetext To The Collective of Companies It Represents.


Legal Research Company Casetext Raises $25M In Undisclosed Funding Round.

With Launch of ‘AllSearch,’ Casetext Unleashes Powerful Neural Net Search Technology on Litigation Do،ents.

How Neural Nets Are Liberating Legal Search from the Keyword Prison.


Casetext Launches Co-Counsel, Its OpenAI-Based ‘Legal Assistant’ To Help Lawyers Search Data, Review Do،ents, Draft Memos, Analyze Contracts and More.

GPT Takes the Bar Exam A،n; This Time It Scores A، Top 10% of Test Takers.

On LawNext: Casetext’s Three Top Execs On CoCounsel, GPT-4 and ‘A New Age in the Practice of Law’.

منبع: https://www.lawnext.com/2023/06/،w-a-s،up-evolves-as-casetext-marks-10th-year-anniversary-heres-its-history-through-50-blog-posts.html