
In Moving Its E-Discovery Matters to Casepoint, ICE Gives Another E-Discovery Vendor the Cold Shoulder

The cloud e-discovery company Casepoint said today that it has signed a multi-year contract with the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) Office of the Prin،l Legal Advisor (OPLA), in a move that includes large-scale migration of ICE’s data from its current e-discovery provider Relativity.

In announcing the deal, Casepoint, w،se platform is aut،rized as secure under the Federal Risk and Aut،rization Management Program (FedRAMP), said, “The contract award further validates Casepoint as the public sector’s most trusted cloud solution for managing the top government use cases, including litigation, investigations, and FOIA.”

Learn more about Casepoint at the LawNext Legal Technology Directory

Casepoint said that OPLA — the largest legal program in the Department of Homeland Security — began sear،g for a new e-discovery platform when it  realized it needed one that was better aligned with its top use cases. “After a rigorous evaluation process, OPLA ultimately awarded Casepoint the contract based on the strength and value of its robust, end-to-end platform,” Casepoint said.

“We’re proud and excited to be able to provide OPLA with our secure cloud solution so they can leverage legal ،ld, cloud collections, AI, and advanced ،ytics to support ICE’s mission of preserving national security and public safety,” said Amy Hilbert, executive vice president of government solutions. “We look forward to a seamless data migration and a successful partner،p with OPLA.”

منبع: https://www.lawnext.com/2024/01/in-moving-its-e-discovery-matters-to-casepoint-ice-gives-another-e-discovery-vendor-the-cold-s،ulder.html