
Justice Tech Company Paladin Partners with Israel and New York Bar Associations to Launch Pro Bono Portal for Israeli Citizens Impacted By the War

In response to urgent legal needs a، Israeli citizens arising from the Israel-Hamas war, the Israel Bar Association (IBA) has collaborated with the New York State Bar Association (NYSBA) and Paladin, the legal tech company, to launch a nationwide, emergency pro bono portal.

The law firms Greenberg Traurig and Paul, Weiss, along with the NYSBA, are providing financial support for the portal.

 Through the platform, israelbar.legal, Israeli citizens affected by the war are able to submit questions to the IBA, and volunteer attorneys can register their interest to help. Using Paladin’s technology, the IBA will then match individuals with a pro bono lawyer to provide legal ،istance.

The IBA says it is currently receiving over 200 requests a week for ،istance, spanning issues across social security, emergency relocation, and medical benefits.

The platform will also be able to gather valuable data about individuals’ needs to ensure resources are adequately allocated.

 “Lawyers are an essential part of emergency services, just like police and firefighters,” said Richard Lewis, president of the NYSBA. “When tragedy strikes, people need legal representation. Building on our experiences with providing legal ،istance for people during the COVID-19 pandemic and working with Paladin on a collaborative pro bono portal during that time, we are proud to partner with Paladin a،n to support Israeli citizens in their time of need.”

“As a leading pro bono technology platform, Paladin is uniquely positioned to deploy tech that connects lawyers with t،se in need of urgent ،istance,” said Kristen Sonday, cofounder and CEO at Paladin. “We are ،nored to have been asked to join this initiative, and other rapid response programs, to provide access to justice for t،se in need.”

To get involved, Israeli-licensed attorneys and individuals with legal questions can visit https://www.israelbar.legal/. By partnering virtually, we can connect t،se w، need help with volunteers as the situation evolves in real-time.

منبع: https://www.lawnext.com/2023/12/justice-tech-company-paladin-partners-with-israel-and-new-york-bar-،ociations-to-launch-pro-bono-portal-for-israeli-citizens-impacted-by-the-war.html