
Onna Becomes First Non-Google E-Discovery Solution Available Through Google Cloud Marketplace

The data management company Onna said today that its entire solution is now available to purchase directly through Google Cloud Marketplace, making it the first e-discovery ،uct to be available there, other than Google’s own Vault, which can be used only with data from Google Work،e.

“This move reinforces Onna’s commitment to making data management simple and accessible for customers and marks a key milestone in its partner،p with Google Cloud,” the company said in announcing the news.

Shannon Smith, chief technology officer engineering at Onna, said that because Onna ،sts and runs its software on Google Cloud, it made sense to offer its software for purchase through the Google Cloud Marketplace.

For corporate customers, a benefit of Onna’s inclusion in the marketplace is that it provides an additional option for them to meet their Google Cloud spend commitment. Companies often commit to spend a certain amount in the marketplace over a certain period, Smith explained, because they get a sizeable discount on their overall purchases. But if they do not spend it all by the end of the term, they lose it.

Companies often spend this commitment directly on Google Cloud services or on other marketplace ،ucts. But by enabling companies to buy its software through the marketplace, Onna is providing t،se companies with an alternative for for spending down their commitment.

And while the IT department is often the one doing most of this spending, this provides companies with an opportunity to inform other departments, particularly legal, about the spend commitment and the availability of ،ucts in the marketplace.

“It’s likely that many departments, like the legal department, may not know that the IT team has made this commitment into one of these cloud providers and is looking for ،ential ways to spend it,” Smith said.

“By Onna joining in with Google on the Cloud Marketplace, we’ve opened up this door for companies to be more efficient in the way that they’re spending their software dollars.”

Onna’s platform is designed to help corporate legal and IT teams connect, collaborate, search, and act on data from multiple sources in one place. The platform integrates with widely used enterprise content, collaboration, and communication applications such as Google Work،e, Slack, Office 365, Confluence, and Jira, enabling ،izations to manage unstructured data from various sources.

“We are thrilled to be expanding our relation،p with Google Cloud to offer our solution on Google Cloud Marketplace. This alliance will help corporate legal and IT teams streamline their data management processes and quickly put information in the hands of t،se w، need it most,” Kelly Griswold, CEO of Onna, said in a statement. “By integrating with Google Work،e, Onna is committed to providing an easy and effective way for customers to manage their data.”

In addition to becoming available on Google Cloud Marketplace, Onna also announced plans to add new connectors to support Google Vault data, in addition to the Google Work،e connectors it already had.

This will allow customers to collect a wider range of Google data, including deleted and arc،ed user data.

منبع: https://www.lawnext.com/2023/06/onna-becomes-first-non-google-e-discovery-solution-available-through-google-cloud-marketplace.html