
Saudi Sentenced to Death for Tweets Criticizing Government

From a Thursday article by CNN (Hande Atay Alam & Celine Alkhaldi):

Muhammad al-Ghamdi, a 54-year-old retired Saudi teacher, was sentenced “following 5 tweets criticizing corruption and human rights violations,” his brother Saeed bin N،er al-Ghamdi tweeted last week.

According to Human Rights Watch, Muhammad al-Ghamdi was arrested last year and given little access to a lawyer before his conviction in July “under article 30 of Saudi Arabia’s counterterrorism law for ‘describing the King or the Crown Prince in a way that undermines religion or justice,’ article 34 for ‘supporting a terrorist ideology,’ article 43 for ‘communication with a terrorist en،y,’ and article 44 for publi،ng false news ‘with the intention of executing a terrorist crime.'” …

منبع: https://reason.com/volokh/2023/09/03/saudi-sentenced-to-death-for-tweets-criticizing-government/