
US World Street Gang Member Convicted In Shooting of FBI Agent

Joshuia Brown, a member of the US World street gang in Columbus, Ohio, was convicted Monday on multiple federal charges including forcible ،ault on a federal officer with a deadly weapon for a 2022 incident where Brown s،t multiple rounds at an FBI agent during a pursuit. The agent was not injured in the incident. Brown was also convicted on drug trafficking and weapons-related charges. Brown is scheduled for sentencing in January 2024, when he will face a sentence up to life in prison.

The case a،nst Brown and co-defendant Jarvis Smith is part of the Project Safe Neighbor،ods (PSN) national initiative, a collaboration across federal, state and local agencies with a stated aim of using research, data, and community collaboration to target violent crime.

منبع: https://thecrimereport.org/2023/09/19/us-world-street-gang-member-convicted-in-s،oting-of-fbi-agent/